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[源码分享] 三星源码189GB

发表于 2022-3-9 15:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
a4174 2022-3-9 15:08 381 0 显示全部楼层
Leak of Samsung Electronics data from Lapsus group.
Part 1 contains a dump of source code and related data about Security/Defense/Knox/Bootloader/TrustedApps and various other items.
Part 2 contains a dump of source code and related data about device security and encryption related stuffs.
Part 3 contains various repositorys from Samsung Github. Including Mobile defense engineering, Samsung account backend, Samsung pass backend/frontend, and SES (Bixby, Smartthings, store, etc)
Part 1 and 2 also contain highly confidential data from Qualcomm and various other samsung parters


1.21 MB, 下载次数: 3, 下载积分: 牛币 -2 个

售价: 2 个牛币  [记录]


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